Thursday, April 23, 2015

Aim for better future

Was thinking in order to have a better future, what I have to do? Or what I should be doing in order to achieve? What I mean by better future. Actually I also not sure… lol but here is what I am thinking about. 

  1. Health – in order to enjoy, you got to take care your health first right, if not you will spending most of the time and money with your doctor.
  2. Relationship – why one like to be alone, so got to build up your family and friend.
  3. Money – no money how to survive in this world, there is always a saying, no money no talk.  
But again, currently with family and kids also as a full time working mum is so hard to handle. Which one do I prioritize? I always told myself family is more important than work, but without work mean no income then how to maintain the family? This is just going round and round and round tills no end. I understand that family cannot replace but jobs can. But with current economic situation how to find a job easy?


Anyway, I was trying to do the following 10!

  1. Exercise, aim to walk 2-3 round around the park daily
  2. Walk 15,000 step daily
  3. Sleep 8hr daily
  4. Replace 1 meal with salad daily
  5. Drink more water, min 1l of water daily
  6. 1 Weekend activities with kids and family. E.g. cycling
  7. Aim to save 20-40% of my monthly salary for Emergency Fund, Holiday Fund
  8. Eat less! All those food list just cannot get out of my mind.
  9. 30 min daily on weekday and 1hr on weekend with 2c on their homework.
  10. 1 hour of chitchat with 2c on their daily life.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Have anyone hear GM Diet Plan???

Saw this article on facebook, was thinking of trying. Anyone here try it before? Does it work?

The GM Diet plan also known as General Motors Diet plan is a program that was developed for employees of General Motors company for their good health , wellness, fitness and even weight loss. This Diet program was made for exclusive use only. This diet Plan was developed with the help of Food and Drug Administration and Department of Agriculture of United States of America. On 15th August 1985 this diet plan was approved and distributed by its board members at its general meeting. GM Diet Plan is wholly endorsed by General Motors and this Diet plan is available to all employees and families at its Food Service Facilities. This diet plan works as a internal detoxification for the body. This plan works as a good weight loss program and its also improve a person’s attitudes and wellness as its works a cleansing process for the body.
GM Diet plan is a seven day plan that burns more calories than you eat in 7 days.
Before You Start These Points Should be Considered :
Try to remain away from  alcohol drinks.
Drink minimum 10 Glasses of Water each day.
- You can do this program as often as you like, but it is suggested to take 2 or 3 days
  break  between before you start again.
Incase you have to take alcohol, make a limit of 2 glasses of white wine or champagne or
   beer  in these 7 days program. Do not drink vodka, rum , whisky or any other hard liquor
   in  any case.
- No Fruit juices to be  taken except on the last day of program

Here is 7 Days GM Diet Plan
Day One Today is a day to eat only fruits but no bananas. You can eat as much fruits as you want. It’s advisable to eat lot of melons today as it will help to lose weight to a great extent on your first day.
Day Two Start your morning with a large bowl of potato and rest of day is to eat only vegetables. You can eat as much you as want and it is encouraged to eat all kinds of vegetables including cooked and raw vegetables.
Day Three This is a day with mixture of vegetables and fruits of your choice. Again you can eat Any amount, any quantity and any type but strictly no bananas yet and no potatoes today. 
Day Four It may look bit strange but today is a day for bananas and milk. Today you should drink three glasses of milk and eat as many as eight bananas. It is encouraged to have a vegetable soup tonight but remember to limited quantity.
Day Five Today is a day to eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. Today you need to  increase your water intake as you need to to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.
Day Six Today is a day to eat beef and vegetables. It is OK to eat as much as beef you and along with vegetables.
Day Seven Today you may eat your some brown rice, fruit juices and all type of the vegetables you want to eat.
Tomorrow morning you will feel much lighter with totally different personality with a very positive energy level. 

GM Diet Plan Chart

Day One Fruit only, no Banana. Drink 2-3l water
e.g: watermelons and cantaloupe
The first day is the most important day in your GM diet plan program. You are just stepping into the world of knowing how you can reduce your body weight and that too in 7 days time. The GM diet plan says that the first day of the diet must be a complete fruit diet day. You have the option of eating all the fruits that you possibly can and also take in whatever fruit that you like. But, it is important for you to make sure that you avoid bananas from your fruit list on day one. Some of the suggested fruits that you can take on the GM’s weight loss diet plan are watermelons and cantaloupe. You are also supposed to drink about 8 to 12 glasses of water on day one and make sure that you do not even touch any other food items, not even raw or boiled vegetables. If you need this plan to work effectively in your body, then you should only consume various kinds of assorted fruits throughout the day. If you feel hungry, try to eat more fruits and of course drink water.
GM Diet Plan Day 1
Preparing Your body
Day 1 of GM Diet Plan is  started with fruits that will make your body to get prepared for the plan that you have to follow for a complete week. Canned or Fresh fruits are your only source of nutrition. Fruits provide everything to your body which is essential to live. Fruits are  nature’s best food which comes with lots of water content that also help to cleanse your body. Today you are allowed to eat all types of fruits except fruits those contain potassium and carbohydrates such as bananas. As this is your first day of your GM Diet plan you are going to detoxify your body.
It is suggested that you do some light warm up exercises during GM Diet plan as this will help to maintain your metabolic process and that way you will not feel tired as you are detoxifying your body. And this will also give you good results for your weight loss program. It is also suggested that you drink at least 10 Glasses of Water everyday during GM Diet Plan.
Breakfast : This is the very first meal of GM Diet Plan which plays very important role for success of the whole plan. It is suggested that you should eat fruits such as melons and papaya together with 1-2 glasses of water.
Lunch : During lunch time which is usually is at 12.00 noon to 1.30 in the afternoon you are suggested to eat apples or watermelons. You can also have kiwi or mangos along with Apples and watermelon.
Dinner : At the dinner time Melons can be heavy on the stomach so it is suggested to have just half bowl of melon along with kiwi and oranges or mangos. Also drink 1-2 glasses of water at this time.
Midday Meal : If you feel hungry at any time of the day  or you are used to have midday meal or snacks,  you can consume some oranges, apple or kiwi.
Day Two vegetables only, Drink 2-3l water
e.g: carrot, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, boiled cabbage
If day one was a day that gave you the opportunity to binge on your favorite fruits, then day two provides you an opportunity to eat only vegetables throughout the day. You can take in the vegetables that you like both in the raw state and in cooked state. But, it is important for you to make sure that you do not use any sort of oil while cooking vegetables. Consuming boiled vegetables are also a good option. You can take any vegetable that you like including potatoes. But, it would be safe for you to try out the boiled potatoes early in the morning itself so that the carbohydrates get burnt during the course of the day. Some of the common vegetables that are good to be consumed on day 2 of the lose weight diet regime are: cooked beans, raw and cooked carrot, broccoli, cucumber, boiled bottle and ridge gourd, lettuce, boiled cabbage and so on. There is no doubt that your digestive system will completely undergo an overhaul by the evening and you also would need to visit the toilet more times than before. Make sure that you do not miss out on your daily dose of 8 to 12 glasses of water along with a strict veggie diet on day two.
GM Diet Plan Day 2
On the first day if GM diet plan you were required to have a stick fruit only diet. But the second day would be limited to only Vegetables. This is totally a different adjustment in terms of your food intake. Today youcan consume all type of vegetables as much you as want including cooked and raw vegetables from green leafy vegetables to starchy crops. This will regulate the sugar content of first day of your diet from you body as you will be consuming a lot of fiber.

Today you will be consuming even vegetables which are  high in starch, such as potatoes which will satisfy the need of carbohydrates of your body. Added a pat of butter or oil will again satisfy your carbohydrate need. As you will be having potatoes in the morning it will give energy for a whole day with a complete balance. The rest of the day is calorie free as you will be only consuming vegetables. Vegetables are having very less calorie but they comes with lots of needed fiber and nutrients.
Like the day 1 you are suggested to do some light warm up exercises plan as this will help to maintain your metabolic process and that way you will not feel tired as you are detoxifying your body. It is also suggested that you drink at least 10 Glasses of Water everyday during GM Diet Plan.
Breakfast : Your morning will start  with large baked potato with a pat of butter. This will satisfy you carbohydrate need and your body will be energized for the rest of the day.  You may also consume sweet potato instead of regular potato if you are living in tropical countries.
Lunch : In the lunch time of day 2 of GM Die Plan you are suggested to eat lighter and you are suggested to have vegetable salads with cabbage, cucumber and lettuce etc. You may add olive oil or vinaigrette as a dressing on the salads.
Dinner : At the dinner time you can eat  all kinds of vegetables including cooked and raw vegetables including fresh greens,  broccoli, asparagus, as well as cabbages, lettuce and cucumber.
Midday Meal : If you feel hungry any day of time or you are used to have Midday meal, you may eat Cherry tomatoes as a  midday snacks, as they will satisfy your sweet tooth cravings specially at the afternoon time.

Day Three - both vegetables and fruits, no banana. Drink 2-3l water
The third dray of your GM weight lose plan will allow you to take both vegetables and fruits for the entire day. Make sure that you do not touch potatoes in the veggie section and also make sure that you do not consume bananas from the fruit section. You have the option of going for a fruit diet in the morning followed by a veggie diet in the afternoon and a fruit diet in the evening followed by a veggie and fruit diet at night. The options and the permutations and combinations of consuming the fruit and vegetable diet or combination of both the diets is totally left to your disposal. You can decide on what you would like to have provided it is fruits and vegetables. Never miss the option of drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water even on day three as well.

 GM Diet Plan Day 3
This is the 3rd day of GM Diet plan and you have reached almost nearly half the way. This day will be bit easier than your previous day as you are allowed to eat all type  of vegetables and fruits of your choice. Again you can eat Any amount, any quantity and any type but strictly no bananas yet and no potatoes today. 
Day 3 of GM Diet Plan is a very important day as your body will burn more calories as system is prepared to start burning more calories. Today you are not eating any potatoes as you will be getting carbohydrates from the fruits. Combination of vegetables and fruits will provide a good amount of fiber and all nutrients that your body need.
You are suggested to eat variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as they contain more nutritional value. And you should  do some light warm up exercises plan as this will help to maintain your metabolic process . And not to forget  to drink 10 Glasses of Water in a day.
Breakfast : You may consume melons at your breakfast time with 1-2 Glasses of water. You may also start you day with Apple if you are not looking for heavier breakfast.
Lunch : In the lunch time you may have vegetable salads with cabbage, cucumber and lettuce etc. You may also add tomatoes in your salad along with olive oil or vinaigrette as a dressing on the salads.
Dinner : At the dinner time you can eat  some cooked vegetables along with some Fruits like apple , watermelon, kiwi as a desert. 
Midday Meal : If you feel hungry any day of time or you are used to have Midday meal, you may eat fruits or vegetables or mix of fruits and vegetables of your choice.
Day Four - banana and milk only
Day four would interest dieters looking for the fastest way to lose weight as it is filled with a banana and milk diet. Yes, you need to take at least a minimum of 8 to 10 bananas throughout the day and are allowed three glasses of milk. You might be a bit worried if this diet will make you feel hungry. But, on the contrary, you will feel quite full with this diet plan at the end of the day. You need to divide the bananas and the glasses of milk properly so that you do not feel any kind of starvation on the fourth day of GM diet plan regime. Consuming a banana and a glass of milk in the morning followed by a couple of bananas during the midday will be an ideal start to day four. You can take a glass of milk and two bananas for lunch on day four. You can also take a couple of bananas in the evening or even three bananas and then take a couple of bananas and a glass of milk at night. There will be no sign of hunger at all throughout the entire day if you follow this simple day four regime.
GM Diet Plan Day 4
Day 4 of GM Diet plan comes with a big surprise as you will be consuming of very rare combination of meals : Milk, Banana and soup. This may look bit strange but you are going to consume as much as 3 glasses of Milk and as many as eight bananas along with a vegetable soup in the evening.
Bananas and milk will provide potassium, calcium and sodium to your body which you have lost in last 3 days. You will also feel as you have a desire to eat sweets as you have missed in last 3 days. This day will be very easier to pass and it will be again a surprise for you as you will be losing your weight although you are consuming bananas and Milk. 
You must choose to consume Skimmed milk and perform some lighter warm up exercises as this will help to maintain your metabolic process . And not to forget  to drink 10 Glasses of Water in a day.
Breakfast : Start your day with Milk and Bananas as it will keep you energetic for the whole day. You may also consume banana shake if you prefer.
Lunch : At the lunch time you have two options either you consume vegetable soup or you may consume milk and bananas. If you choose to drink Vegetable soup then you should not drink vegetable soup at dinner time. But It is suggested to consume Vegetable soup at dinner time as it will be not be heavier on your stomach.
Dinner : Again this is optional to go for Bananas and milk or vegetable soup. If you already have consumed vegetable soup at Lunch time then go for bananas and milk. You can also go for banana shake if you do not want to eat bananas.
Midday Meal : If you feel hungry any day of time or you are used to have Midday meal, you may eat banana as your total intake of bananas can be up to 8 bananas. 
Day Five – Tomato, 1 cup of rice lunch only, Drink 3-4l of water
If you love having a feast, then day 5 of the GM’s lose weight diet plan offers you the opportunity to a feast on day five. It is the day when you can have a cup of rice for lunch and take about six to seven tomatoes throughout the day. As there is every chance of producing a lot of uric acid in your body, it is ideal for you to increase the water level from 12 glasses to 15 glasses on day five.
GM Diet Plan Day 5
Now you have reached to the 5th Day of the GM Diet Plan and today is a day to eat beef and tomatoes. You are suggested to eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef.  Combine this with six whole tomatoes. Today you need to  increase your water intake as you need to  cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.
Beef will provide proteins and iron which you were missing in your diet in last 4 days. Tomatoes will provide fiber and will improve your digestion system. Water consumption is very essential today as it will help to purify the whole system. Lots and lots of water is needed today.
If you are not comfortable with Beef or you are a Indian Non vegetarian, you may choose to eat chicken breast or fish as it will provide required protein to your body. You are suggested to eat beef or fish not in a large quaintly as this may convert into fat.
If you are a vegetarian you may consume Soya bean or brown rice along with tomatoes instead of beef or chicken. Again Soya bean or brown rice should not be consumed in a large quantity.
Breakfast : You may start with you day with braised beef or chicken and tomatoes. This will keep you energetic for the whole day. This combination of beef and tomatoes is a good source of protein, fiber and iron. You may also have tomato soup insted of whole tomatoes.
Lunch : At the lunch time you may choose to eat beef or chicken along with tomatoes. It can be baked or fried but it should not contain lots of fat. By this time your body will be producing more uric acid so you are suggested to drink extra glasses of  water to flush it out.
Dinner : You may choose to eat beef or chicken at dinner time along with tomatoes. You may also consume beef soup this time. Again not to forget to drink extra glasses of water to flush it out the uric acid that you have produced.
Day Six – vegetable, lunch rice, drink 2-3l of water
You are in for another feast day on day six of the GM’s diet plan. Here too, you will be allowed to take a cup of rice in the afternoon for lunch and you also need to stick on to a vegetable diet for the rest of the day. It is also important for you to make sure that you take at least 8 to 12 glasses of water on day six as well. This is the penultimate day of your seven day GM diet plan regime and you are sure to feel quite lighter than before by the sixth day. There is no doubt that you will also be improving your digestive system completely with this seven day diet plan from General Motors.
GM Diet Plan Day 6
This is the 6th day of GM Die Plan and you are almost done with the diet. Today is a day to eat beef and vegetables. It is OK to eat as much as beef along with vegetables. Beside proteins and iron from beef, your body will also get fiber and vitamins from vegetables that you will eat today. This is the time when your body has given you a good weight loss up to now. You should compare your weight today from the day one.  And you will also be surprised to see that your skin too is glowing as you have eaten lots of fruits and vegetables till now.

Again You may choose chicken breast or fish instead of beef if you are not comfortable with beef. And if you are a vegetarian, you can choose soya bean or brown rice instead. Today again you are required to drink extra glasses of water as you will need to flush it out extra uric acid that your body will be producing.
Breakfast : You may start your morning with a large bowl of cooked or uncooked vegetables along with a portion of beef or chicken or you may have beef cutlets along with vegetables.
Lunch : At the lunch time again you may have beef with vegetables. You may consume all type of vegetables except potatoes.  A bowl of beef with broccoli can also be a good choice at this time.
Dinner : At the dinner time you may choose beef and vegetable soup. This is time when you body may require the protein, iron and fiber that you may have lost after such a tiring day and beef and vegetable soup will serve the purpose. 
Day Seven – vegetable and fruit juice, lunch rice, drink 2-3l of water
This is the last day of the lose weight diet plan from GM. Here, you are allowed to take a cup of rice and all the veggies that you would love to eat along with the fruit juice of your choice. This is considered to be the best day of your entire diet regime as you have the option to eat all the vegetables that you like and to flush it off by consuming the fruit juices of your choice
GM Diet Plan Day 7
Day 7 is the very last day of GM Diet Plan.  Today your system is totally under control and you are looking much better then what you were looking on day one. Today you will be see significant weight loss and you will be feeling and looking great and you will feel more active.
Today you may eat your some brown rice, fruit juices and all type of the vegetables and fruits you want to eat. Your system will give you a lots of thanks for the cleansing and flushing you have given to it.
Again not to forget to do some light warm up exercises  as this will help to maintain your metabolic process and that way you will not feel tired as you are detoxifying your body.  And not to forget to drink at least 10 glasses of water.
Breakfast : You may consume brown rice in the morning as this will provide energy required for rest of the day. Or if you are not comfortable with brown rice in the morning, you can have fruits like melon and papaya in your breakfast.
Lunch : If you have consumed fruits in the breakfast, this is the time go with brown rice or your lunch may include fruits of your choice.
Dinner : At dinner time you may have cooked or uncooked vegetables of your choice along with brown rice followed by 1-2 glasses of water.
Midday Snacks : Today is day when you can enjoy Fruit juices of your choice.  Fresh Juices are recommended. You may also consume fruits like berries as a Midday snacks. 


Have been feeling very very very stressful, with so many things going around unexpected.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cecelia go to School all by herself...

today finally Cecelia get to go to school all by herself, it been awhile she request to go to school by herself.....

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What a good say!

We have Two Eyes & One Tongue,
Which means We need to Look Twice & Talk Once.
We have Two Ears & One Mouth,
Which means We need to Listen More than We Talk.
We have Two Hands & One Stomach,...
Which means We need to Work Twice as much as We Eat.
We have Two major Brain Parts--Left and Right & One Heart,
So We can Think Twice, but Love only Once.
Amazing How Our Body Parts Remind Us how to Live......
Lets try to Live it that way & see the difference...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Weight

Almost everyday I weigh myself, but the weight is still going up and down. i am going to try the following. Hope i can really stick to it, i am going for 1,000 - 1200 calories a day

1. Drink min of 2.5ł of water daily
2. Sleep at least 8.5 hours of sleep daily
3. Going for jogging min 3 time a week
4. Have big breakfast
5. Have Medium lunch
6. Have small Dinner
7. Eat more vegetable
8. Eat more fruit
9. Eat less rice, as rice is my favorite!
10.  No food after 8pm, only water!

Consuming a large cooked breakfast in the morning, then a healthy salad for lunch, and finishing the day with a low-carb meal (following the no carbs after 4pm rule)

Breakfast Like A King, Lunch Like A Queen, Dine Like A Pauper 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Blog unable to upload photo?

Have been trying to upload photo with my post, but unable to...

Going for Cycling ride to Malaysia - Sungai Lembing, Kuantan

Counting down to my next trip with GL to Malaysia - Sungai Lembing, Kuantan. My very first ride at Malaysia with GL, I am so so excited and worry for this trip.
Left 2C with the maid, while they have swimming lesson on Thursday night.
worry that I ride too slow etc, worry about the road, car and weather...

However, I do look forward to the trip, hopefully I can loss some weight too. not to gain from all the good food at Malaysia.

ere is the hotel that we are going to spend our 2 night here!.... From its website look okay to me. hopefully I will not disappointed.

Oh, from the website, they even have camping area. Maybe we should try one night for the camping.. might be FUN!... lol

trying to upload the photo, but fail, but you can view hotel from the website above.
Finally i am able to upload the photo using Mozilla Firefox!...

I got the itinerary from the Facebook post event.!

Thursday 17th highlight: Take overnight coach to Kuantan, arrive by 5-6am.
Friday 18th highlight: Ride to Lembing town (45-50km). Explore Lembing town.
Saturday 19th highlight: See the sunrise from Panorama Hill. Explore Lembing. Play fireworks at night.
Sunday 20th highlight: Take 4WD to Rainbow Waterfall!

Friday, July 11, 2014


It been about 10days that I am on TRA, it kinds of hard as there is way too many pill to take everyday, and the pill is really BIG, and to replace one meal with the milkshake. I love to eat, really hard to ask me to skip my dinner with the milk shake. however, I been putting weight since I start this TRA programme, according to the person, it normal there is case that people will put on weight then lost it...

I got to cross my finger that after the whole program I will get to lost the weight, not the weight which I put on during the program is the weight before I even try this product. also this product is not cheap at all. So it better work, as lot of money spend and effort to take all this pill. By the way, daily you have to take 29 pills daily.... it kind of killing me soon! hope I will stay on...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weight Lost...

It been many many year I am trying to lose weight!... I remember I keep telling myself that I will have to lost some weight by year end bla bla bla, but it not!... till now I am still having the same weight!.. lol

So currently I am try this TRA, hopefully after few month, I can get those fat out of my body... lol

Updating my blog

It almost one year since I last update my blog... Miss out so many thing......
I will try my best to make my blog alive soon....

Monday, July 15, 2013

Batam trip with Lou Jie

18 - 19 Sept'11 batam trip with Lou Jie

Going for a short relax trip with LJ, overall is a nice and relax trip.

While on the journey to batam, I was so afraid that LJ will vomit as this is the first time she is taking  a small ferry... But in the end she and the ferry did a great job!... It was a nice journey with nice sea wave....

While waiting for our hotel transport, I saw the taxi guy who driver us around batam the last time I went to batam with Nancy, lynn and Suzen! The last time I lost his contact, but now finally get to see him again, and get his name card.

Monday, July 8, 2013

New food stall at blk 166 coffee shop Ma La Hot Pot

There is a new stall opening below my house coffee shop, Ma La hot pot.... Somehow I feel that this kind of ma la hot pot is expensive.... As it depend on what you choose then it go by the weight of the food you choose.... Normally it will cost you about min $5 - $40 a dish... Which I had the most expensive ma la hot pot at 313 somerset shopping centre...

So today give it a try, overall not bad... I like it....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Regarding staying....

I am not sure if I am feeling regret to stay here anymore.... I feel that I should not stay anymore... It kind of hard with people who think high of themselves and no 人情味!
One point which i don’t understand why you must talk like you are my boss and so loudly..... Why can't you talk nicely? And when someone do that to you and you make noise... Please bear in mind you are not mine boss or whoever, you are just a working colleague.

To me I have no idea what you are talking about, it kind of no head and tail and you SHOULD NOT expect me to know what the hell is going on....

Job and task hand down to me, expect me to know all whereby no hand over, I AM not GOD lo… it take time for me to find out what is going....

One day if you are management level sure will have high turnover rate will be super high!....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

25 Aug 2012 sat

I am tire now 11.30pm... Just got home and bath... Resting on bed while I blog a bit!.... update update!...

Morning wakeup do a bit of housework, went back to 2C school to collect their school bag as SIL help me to fetch 2C, thanks you SIL! you have been a great help!

Afternoon went to Saveur at Purvis street to meet 2c and MIl and SIl for lunch.... The food is nice!.... Yummy,,, at first we though of going to suntec for some shopping!

After a while we decision to go orchard takashimaya for shopping! End up we spend hours in the toy sales.... Bought a lot of toy and bag.... Worth buying! The toy fair will be end tomorrow 26 aug 2012..... I did though I brought some toy in the end we left it on the floor while I go take a basket to put the other toy.....! Should I go back tomorrow to buy those toy that I has miss out today?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

30 May 2012 我报 giving free scotts candy

Those who taking 我报, you will be giving the newspaper and candy from scotts!.... So nice right? Free newspaper and candy to eat too!

Saveur at Purvis street lunch on 25 aug 2012

Today went to Saveur at Purvis street for lunch with 2C, SIL and MIL to try out the food.... Overall is cheap and nice.... Yummy!

Their opening hr is 12-2.30 for lunch and 6-9.30 for dinner....

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Working working

Just don't understand, if information is not updated to me, how the hell you want me to know.... You think I am god ah.....

Everything you tell her but never update me, then Where the hell will i get the information ley?

And you keep on telling me that boss hire you is to in charge the two of us, I am under your care but that is not what boss told me..... Haizzzz, and you keep on telling me why I do this way bla bla bla, hellooo all the while I am doing this way.... If you want to change, why you cannot ask your boss mah? If you not happy, why you don't talk to your boss? Not happy, only keep telling us you want to quit, then why you are not?

Don't you know you are just another ass.

Sad due to colleague...

My colleague going on leave and I have to coven her work, there is one matter which I not sure what to do, so in the end I ask my boss who is on leave too, so as per my boss instruction, I do the way and had it confirm by one of the manager before I approve it.

But this morning, my colleague is back and I got a so-call scold by my colleague, on why I approve the way, it was wrong.. bla bla, and she is so mad with me, and give me the look like I am hopeless. It seen that she regretted to have me to coven her job. so next time who should I listen to? It so hard to work in here already, it hard to get along with THIS KIND OF ASS colleague, I am saying those own dep. Can understand those who cannot get along with different department but hardly will have people won’t get along with own department people. If own department colleague don’t understand each other then it will be hard to get along le. Haiz, use to be happy with my work, colleague but now every day I am unhappy due to this fxxking colleague, what a point to stay on…. The only thing I still stay on, is my boss and thing I may learn more, but I don’t think so now I am able to learn much thing, due to my colleague is like so call trying to push another colleague which she like to do my work….

All this is just base on my feeling, don’t mean to say anyone. This is my blog, it a place where I record my feeling and life.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Giving up

I hear that I am other people and not your close one..... Then no point for me to work so hard and get return of nothing.....

Since I am other people, does that mean I am outsider? Since I am outsider then no point I work so hard to give you good life......

I don't own you anything.....

Monday, May 28, 2012

28 May 2012 morning

After wake up seeming my face, my eye auto zoom to my eyebrow....

Getting more regret doing my eyebrow! Who can help me ah!....

Feel like calling the lady and scold... Haiz

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Working on my slimming plan

On 1st June 2012, I am going to start 1 month slimming 10 plan!... To see if I can success!...

1. Drink min of 2.5ł of water daily
2. Sleep at least 8.5 hours of sleep daily
3. Going for jogging min 3 time a week
4. Have big meal breakfast
5. Have Medium lunch
6. Have small Dinner
7. Eat more vegetable
8. Eat more fruit
9. Eat less rice, as rice is my favorite!
10. Drink more soup

Myself as at 26 May 2012

An update of myself! Look like I got to take care of my skin!...

27 may 2012 mine 3D eyebrown

Just had my eyebrown for $340 after discount at Woodland st 11, Blk 167, young forever professional de beauty, by Anna. a bit regret as the shape is not the same!...

They lady told me after 2 week go back for the touch up will be better... Should I trust her again?

Updating my blog

Sorry for been MIA for awhile.... Totally forgetting about my blog.... Will try to update more!.... See you around!

A gift from my dear

101011 morning receive a new keychain from GL.... Don't you think is sweet and nice to brought some gift from Malaysia...

Monday, October 10, 2011

2C help out with housework

Yesterday Sunday was at home as I am feeling unwell.... So took 2C toy for a bath.... And helpful 2C came to help....

It so good to have a baby girl... So you can dolly them and they will help you with housework....