On sat 6 dec morning doctor say if Cecelia can eat well then she may go home, I was so worry that she can not be discharge. As the doctor say maybe only, so we wait for the doctor to come back in the afternoon. Then when we about to go home, we feed Cecelia so moil and cake, then she vomit all the food out… I was so worry again that she can not discharge, as she just takes out the dip. But the doctor if still throws out then we got to bring her back to KKH le…
And he saw Cecelia is so active and say Cecelia may go home… at that time then I am revive, as Cecelia at KKH me and GL is so tire to look after her, as we need to stay with her. Every time the doctor comes she will cry and cry we will need to talk to her and try to clam her down…
At night Cecelia can sleep well but not for me, as there are other baby too, so when 1 baby cry I will wake up as I tol it was Cecelia crying, but it not her… then also at night they want to take BP and the temp, so again I got to wake up… If kids are sick, think all the family will be very tire if your kids at hosp...
It very sad and heart pain to see Cecelia on drip, but now again she is active again, so am I… but staying with her at KKH for 4day 3 night, I got sick too, having fever and whole body not feel well, feel so sick and pain…
Here are some photo for you to see when Cecelia at KKH 1 day by 1 day getting better…
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