Friday, February 20, 2009

English Skill

I want to improve both my English and memory. So how am I going to improve my English? Hmmm, to my friend please help me to correct my English when I talk, write, type... like on msn, sms and when on the phone with you… Some time I really feel sad and so hate myself that why I din learn hard for my English during my school time…

I start up this blog because I want to improve my English skill, therefore I am going to speak, read and write more English, and must listen more…

So how can I improve my memory?

Maybe I will try this few:

1. Eat foods rich in Omega 3 - studies have shown that Omega 3 improves cognitive functioning. Once the brain has been drained of water, most of what is left is Omega

2. Drink lots of water - Our brains are made up of 70% water; drink the recommended 2 liters a day.

3. Exercise regularly - Getting a good oxygen flow to the brain is essential. Pick an exercise plan based on your current level of fitness and start small. Please consult with your doctor before taking up any rigorous form of exercise.

4. Stimulate your brain - Give it a good workout. Sudoku/Kakuro or Brain Training for the Nintendo Wii is great for this.

5. Sleep well - studies show that sleeping helps trigger areas in the brain that lead to a better memory. Set a definite time to wake and only go to sleep when you are tired.

6. Learn the storyline memory system - say you have to pick eggs, milk and bread at the shop after work. Create a story in your mind linking all 3 and run through it a few times. Eg. You are cutting a freshly baked loaf of bread and the floor begins to shake, a huge egg comes in through the door, you defend yourself with a super soaker water gun filled with milk. The crazier the better!

So I am going to eat more Omega 3 food, like Ginkgo Nuts, Steam Fish, walnut, anymore?As now, I am trying my best to learn my English and to improve my memory. Any idea what can help to improve my English and memory please let me know…

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